Don't let Taxes Bite into your earnings

Save your tax
Last minute tax planning often leads to bad decisions. One that can lock up your
money for years or make your money grow at snail's pace.
Check how much you can save
Select your investment amount
Depending on your tax-slab, your savings under Sec 80
{{ slab1 }}

If you are in 5% Slab

{{ slab2 }}

If you are in 20% Slab

{{ slab3 }}

If you are in 30% Slab

Save smartly through ELSS
Equity linked saving schemes
Save tax
Lowest lock-in period
Returns are linked to
stock market and are tax-free
Equity Linked Savings Schemes (ELSS) is a mutual fund investment that reduces your taxable income by ` 1,50,000. With a minimum lock-in period of just 3 years, ELSS has the potential to earn higher returns than most other tax-saving options as most of the portfolio is invested in the stock market.
ELSS MF Schemes vs other Tax Saving Schemes
# Return in market linked ELSS have been very good since inception. you are advice to check our ELSS return table before investing.
Choose ELSS and don't miss the tax-saving deadline
Choose your investment type to show the scheme
Disclaimer: is an online website of GREAT INDIA INSURANCE SERVICES popularly known as GIIS and also GIIS Financial who is registered vide ARN- 40443 and as a fund distributor. The said website is just an electronic presentation of financial services for self help by investors. This site should not be treated as financial advisory website as we not charge for any calculation or result produced here. The website do not guarantee any returns or financial goal success by any means. The visitor must go through the Terms of use of website before using it.